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hello, do you think about making this scenario available? honestly this character was perfect, I can't wait for you to create a man for me to put as player 2 along with this woman

Great work. But I see no licence info.

Oh...That's my fault. Free to use for commercial projects and modify the character if needed. 

and during this sale time, updates will be released every week. soon I add new animations.

man we need more like this anim but plz the next time make him  male

(1 edit) (+1)

maybe I will remake this character into a male version

That's AWESOME quality, great work, Pixel Poem!


This is a beautiful character but you really need crouch and stand flat against wall to support stealth in a survival horror platformer. Otherwise this character is terrific. The biggest problem would be finding similar character quality for the other characters she might encounter other than the zombie.

Yeah a crouch, stand flat against the wall and perhaps a ladder/edge climb would really finish of the stealth movement

Most games you get stuck into for a platformer you realize right away how bad crouch is needed to hide behind crates and shuffle forward through a narrow passage. Immediately you have a stealth component and secret areas, adds a lot to the game right there. Ladder climb is almost mandatory now, needs to climb ladders to access new areas.