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Great pixel artist and very useful pack. 

Am I missing something? In you examples you show character animation, but I don't seem to find any in the pack 5.2.

I add new animations set for free. Check it

Hi! I can't download, it happens to me in all browsers and in all itch downloads,

I bought this package and really like it so far, but it's sad that there are no idle animations for the new monster designs.

I can use the animations from Dungeon Tileset I, but would it be possible to also add animations for the four new models from Tiletset II?

I add new animations set for free. Check it

Nice, thanks for your efforts! :)

What are these tiles for? Are these some sort of gates? Or decoration?

this is a decor with reflections of light

Hi! These are beautiful!
I am developing a library for game AI in Rust, and I wanted to create an example game showcasing the library, using these sprites and tiles as assets. However, the library would be open source (most likely MIT licenced) and hosted on github, and I was wondering it having the assets on github would count as re-distribution, and if you'd be ok with it (with credits and attribution for the assets of course)?

Yes, you can.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Great tileset, gorgeous work. 

Used it for a personal project while exploring Godot's tilesets and random map generation. Cheers!

I used this (along with characters from the Kenney Tiny Dungeon) for WasmBots. Made for very easy "looks appealing" effect. :)

I used these for my first game jam and love them!! Made sure to donate as well. Thank you for the great assets!

I think these tiles are great!  I am doing a top down game with a twist and I don't see many pixel artists providing options for an almost perspective top down.  I am no artist but I had a go at adding a few tiles to demonstrate what I mean.  As you see, external walls have your perspective but internal walls are top down only.  Would it be possible for you to consider theses options to existing tileset to enhance them and provide more visual options?  

top down and down perspective (like Hotline Miami), these are different things. 
for down perspective you need a different sprite set. 

Bro I love the aesthetic so much this is gunna get me back into pixel art fr

I purchased five years anniversary/updated asset last july for 2$ but i just noticed that i'm able to download only the older (free) version

write to support, indicate that you really bought the asset, they should help you. I know that when purchasing you can indicate that you already  bought this asset

(1 edit)

We used some of your assets in our Brackeys Game Jam entry! Big fan of your art style! :)

Hello there, love the asset pack. In fact, I am using it in a space shooter that I would like to sell on STEAM. I have a question for you. I am wondering if you are okay with me using your asset packs, in combination with other ones from other developers (whose asset packs are also free for commercial use)? I could not really find any information telling me whether I could or not, so I figured asking is the best policy. Thanks...

This asset pack can be used in free and commercial projects. You can modify it to suit your own needs.


in the 2D Pixel Dungeon Asset Pack v2.0. the animation frames are separated as one per file. this feels a bit wierd to use and in some game engines it takes much longer to set it up if the frames of a single animation are in separate files. why not combine each animation in a frameset?

Thank you for the tileset! I used your free version in my game here:

I definitely like the look of the updated visuals. I'll keep this bookmarked for now and if I have need of it in the future then I'll grab it with the completed animations.

Good game)

Hi Pixel_Poem I have a doubt, are the characters and animations separated individually by frames? I'm currently learning phaser

(1 edit)

я один не розумію як цю плитку роздрукувати? Допоможіть будь ласка

так много людей  скачало этот ассет…с разных стран, говорящие на разных языках, но все мы тут общаемся на английском. Вливайся в эту тенденцию. 

(1 edit)

The new version of the pack doesn't have monster animations. What is the point of adding new art of them if you can't use them? Am I missing something? Either way, both the free and paid tilesets look great, and I'll definitely be using them!
Edit: After looking at the pack, it's actually missing a LOT of stuff, and even if I reinstall the pack I'm missing so much content for some reason.

Specifically, it is missing all character animations other than the idle ones for the original pack and missing all character animations entirely from the paid version.

You'll get new version of pack, when you pay for it 2 dollars.

I paid for it, but it's missing files, as I have sprites but no animations other than the idle ones. I have the full tileset and item animations (I think) too. Even the old assets are missing animations and other assets.

a paid asset has a description. a complete list of contents is provided. a paid asset does not copy a free one. animations will be updated this year

when are you going to do the animations :3

a paid asset has a description. a complete list of contents is provided. a paid asset does not copy a free one. animations will be updated this year

Nice pack! Happy to have supported! ;)

This pack is a bit of an all-time classic. You get my money.


This is so tiny, that i cann't see it

Thats because its pixel art...


this asset pack is really good. good job


Those item sprites are top notch !


Thank you!

Of course! :D


I recommend you to add

8x8 tag, if it is 8x8 size

16x16 tag, if it is 16x16 size

32x32 tag, if it is 32x32 size

Thanks a lot, wonderful looking tiles! Used some of them in my game:

Nice asset you have! I'm using it for my project.

I really love it!


love the art, will do all I can to support!


Hello, PixelPoem. 

You've created amazing tiles. 

They have been a vital part of my game development and have helped bring my vision to life.

Since I'm not ready with my game because I'm studying I made a video explaining it and what's done in it.

If you're interested you can check it out:

Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication!

Nice game!

Hey this is a very nice tile set, thanks for making it free!

For some reason it's not downloading for me so i'm just going to take the sample animations and textures and somehow make a game with it (on scratch)



You have done a WONDERFUL job with this tileset and it's easy enough to say this is one of my favorite tilesets here on Itch. I love it! And I used it in my first game! Thank you again so much!

DM me if you'd like a copy!

Thanks for this pack, it's a great one :) 

This is great, thanks so much. Did you by any chance save your colour pallet for this?

Love it, I will use it soon. I’ll make you know when I will use them


Hi, I used some of your resources in this music video I made. Check it out and share if you'd like.

Hi, could you say one social media where I can talk to you personally? I have some questions about the asset pack, so I would like to talk to you about that 




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